Fruitville Library
Appointment Scheduling:
January 29th and 30th, 2025
10:30am to 1:30pm
Dates of Operation
February 5th through April 10th, 2025
Days and Hours of Operation
Wednesdays and Thursdays
10:30am to 1:30pm
Phone Number:
(240) 774-0543
(Information only. Do not leave a message)
What to Expect at the Fruitville Library:
The AARP Tax-Aide Program at the Fruitville Library operates by appointment. Walk-ins are welcome, subject to availability.
You can make an appointment by coming to the Fruitville Library tax preparation area during our hours of operation (see above). You can also sign up in advance in the library foyer before the beginning of the tax season. See "Appointment Sign-Up" above. During the tax season, appointments can be made for a future date, during the regular tax preparation hours. As a general guideline, we do not serve walk-in taxpayers, but you are encouraged to inquire whether an appointment may be available.
When you make an appointment, you will be given an envelope containing:
IRS Form 13614-C, Intake/Interview and Quality Review Sheet. This should be filled out and brought with you to your appointment.
IRS Form 15080, Consent to Disclose Tax Return Information to VITA/TCE Tax Preparation Sites is part of the IRS Form 13614-C package. Your signed consent will speed up the preparation of your tax return in future years by storing your information in our system. It will also enable carrying your data to other AARP Tax-Aide and VITA sites, in case you decide to use a different location in the future.
A list of all of the documents needed to prepare your tax return
When you report for your appointment, sign in with the Client Facilitator, who will check your photo ID and ensure that you have valid Social Security numbers for everyone on the return. The Client  Facilitator will also determine whether you have all the documents necessary to complete the return, and that your tax situation is within the scope of our services.
You will be assigned to a Counselor, who will prepare your tax return in your presence. The return will then be reviewed for accuracy and completeness by a Quality Reviewer, again in your presence.
You will be asked to sign IRS Form 8879, authorizing Tax-Aide to e-file the return on your behalf. You will get a copy of your return and we will give back all your supporting documents. We cannot retain any documents belonging to you.
An authorized volunteer will then electronically file (e-file) your tax return with the IRS.
In the rare circumstance where the IRS rejects your return, we will contact you. To that end, it is important that you provide your phone number and email address on Form 13614-C.
If you wish to track your tax refund, please go to the IRS Where is my Refund site. We are unable to track your refund for you.
If you owe money to the IRS and can't afford to pay, you may apply online for a payment plan. Regrettably, we are unable to assist you in applying.